Thursday, May 25, 2006

Meet One of My Favorite Hunky Guys--Kelly Slater!

Not sure how many competitive surfing fans there are in these parts of blogland, but a while back I wrote a novel that revolved a bit around surfing and it gave me a chance to do, research. Talk about guys with great looking bodies who live on the edge. Surfer boys. Such fun to watch! Check out Kelly, whose autobiography, btw, is quite inspiring.

Let's pause for a moment of silent appreciation for the greatest surf champion of all time, Mr. Kelly Slater!!

Monday, May 22, 2006

My fabulous cover Model Nathan Kamp

Could my covers be any hotter thanks to this dream of a model?

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day!

To the women in my life, I hope you've had a marvelous day! And to those who are mothers, I hope you felt special, knew that those around you appreciate you, and that you celebrated! Here in Madison it was a dreamy day, with beautiful weather (for once). I'm posting a few pics.

First of all, while we're talking hunky men, isn't my soulmate a real piece o' beefcake??? And since mother's day is as much about the dads, and how they enable us to be the best possible moms, I wanted to post these few pics from our back yard party. Sigh. He's my dream boat.

Pamela and her family came over, my mom and stepdad, and then all of the kids. There was sprinkler play, a backyard picnic, and the dreamiest weather I've experienced all spring. While I'm lionizing the people I love, here are two of the most important women in my life: my mom and my sister and fellow agent, Pamela Harty.

Of course, you may ask what these images have to do with the Parallel realm? Well nothing on the surface, apart from the fact that these are the people who inspire me and enable me to write every day. I'd post pics of my children, but I just don't think that's a good practice in cyberspace. But they are perfect and today was just as perfect as they are. :)

Hugs to all! D

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


I'm curious how many people are willing to post and share if they read the first book in my new series, PARALLEL ATTRACTION. Not because I'm an egomaniac, but it always surprises me who finds their way to my blog. Last time I asked for a kind of roll call, intro'ing where you're from. This time, let's do a PA roll call, including where you're from and your name.

So in the words of Rodger Daltrey..."Who are you? Who who? Who who? Now tell me who are you?"

I love to get know the people dropping into my blogs, so let me know! Did you read it? Are you going to?

And to add to this fun experience, allow me to post some inspiration and motivation in the form of lovely men. These are the sorts of images that tend to inspire me with writing romance. :)

Monday, May 08, 2006

The Man Who Would be King--Part II

So, had to go troll about and find more of my character inspiration for Jared Bennett. Keep in mind, I am not on my own laptop today so I will readily confess that I, ahem, had these saved elsewhere. Or ones similar to them...So enjoy. Be inspired...go buy PARALLEL ATTRACTION if you haven't, and come tell me who YOU would cast as Jared. And if you have read it? Tell me who you pictured while reading the book...

With acknowledgements to Jennifer St. Giles for making sure I knew ALL about Gerard Butler. :)
Hugs, Deidre

The Man Who Could be King

Men Who Could be Jared...

I mentally composed Jared off of one particular actor, who will probably shock the pants off of all of you! Now, listen to me first...Jared really does NOT exist. But I took some physical traits that I saw in a couple of actors, and then created him. So neither of the below shots should make anyone think, "Wow, is THAT Jared? But I don't like that actor!" Jared is, quite simply, Jared. But take a gander at a few shots. I might be odd, but I Thought Ken Watanabe was like the hottest thing ever in THE LAST SAMURAI. He had that military leadership thing going on, plus the exotic look. Toss in some Keanu Reeves, and well, a lot of my imagination, and you've got Jared Bennett. For your viewing pleasure I present the following...

Welcome to my new blog! Yes, like I really *need* another blog, right? I thought it would be cool to start a site that was simply about the PARALLEL books. In other words, I start to feel tacky after a while just blogging, "Look! Here is this interview with me!" and that kind of thing. More than that, as new readers keep coming on board with the series, I find that a blog dedicated just to the series could be useful. We can post spoilers here, or beefcake pics of guys we think MIGHT look like Jared or Marco or whatever. In the end, I have come to think of my blogs as each having a very particular identity. There's my agency blog, which is mostly business. There's my Deidre blog, which slightly morphs my author/agent life. I think this blog can serve the purpose of being ALL Parallel series, all the time. :)

Now let's see if I can get my readers and fans to start dropping by! :)

Meanwhile, here's a link to an interview with me. In fact, maybe the sidebars here will be various interviews?

Ideas anyone? Everyone? What would you like to see about the series here?
Big hugs, Deidre

Thursday, May 04, 2006


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