Sunday, July 23, 2006

A Little Jack Love...

Everyone loves Sawyer on LOST--heck, *I* love Sawyer. But I love Jack, too, and although Angela will throw her head back with a blood curdling scream of revulsion (if she's reading this--AZ is one of my best pals), I still have to spend a little blog love on Matthew Fox. We're on hiatus with my fave show, so it seems a good time to post a few pics celebrating Dr. Jack Shepherd. Here we go! Hugs to all...prepping for RWA madness. Who all will be there? Let's have a roll call here. I hope my blog pals will come up to me and hug me when they bump into me...
Btw, what I love about Jack on LOST is this--he's a smart guy, who also gets to be a hunk. Now, I have to wonder that we NEVER see him shirtless, but still, the smart guy wins and acts all studly in Jack. :) D

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Silly link didn't work (see post below), so here we go again! :) D


hugs, d

So Much to Cover...SO Little Time!

I've got a lot to share here, and only a minute, so prepare for rapid fire mode. First, Michelle, I posted back to you on the previous entry re: Ken Watanabe and your wonderful plug for PA. Also, I am looking for friends to join me in a big three day event, which you may have read about on my other blogs, the Breast Cancer 3-day. Here's the deal, we are building a team of 50 who want to walk with us. I mean, this will be a blast, ladies! I've already got someone coming in from Florida, Kristen Painter, there will be several of us from TKA, myself included. Imagine walking for three days and how much LAUGHING and TALKING we can do. I would really love to have some of my blog regulars join me. There's a discounted airfare too. I'm so psyched about this--in fact, I just walked a mile and a half in BOILING 103 degree heat. That's how committed and excited I am, that I'm training for this every day. And if you guys knew how out of shape I am, you'd get the full picture.

Anyway, just throwing this out to you. You can join as a team member by following this link to my page, then hitting the team page. Or you can sponsor me b/c I have to raise 2200 dollars by late October. Check it out:

This is my personal page. Email me if you have questions!

Also, by the way, my client Diana Peterfreund's much anticipated SECRET SOCIETY GIRL hits shelves today, and I can't stress enough what a wonderful book this is. It was sold in a six-way auction, so clearly a LOT of people thought it was awesome. :)

And, for now, I think that's it. I'm tossing up a couple of Nathan Kamp pics I found.


Saturday, July 08, 2006

Giveaways and Hunky Guys! Oh MY!

I have been terribly remiss not to stop here more this past month. Things at TKA have been AMAZING--we've placed more than 100 titles already this year (as an agency.) And last month was nearly a record month of sales for us--in the summer of all things! Nuts! And, of course, in all my extra time I'm hammering along on PARALLEL SEDUCTION, my April '07 book.

But here I am, at last, at last, and wanted to share a few fun things. First of all, listen up all you fans of PARALLEL ATTRACTION! I am going to give away a galley of PARALLEL HEAT at the end of this month, exclusive to *this blog*. What do you have to do to enter? Simply post on this thread and let me know you are entering the drawing. On August first, I'll draw the name of the lucky winner! :)

And while I'm here, in honor of having just watched MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA for the first time (so-so movie, which was too bad), here are some more pics of hunky Ken Watanabe:

I think he's one we could nominate to play a beautiful alien warrior. :)

And then, speaking of alien warriors, I found a few pics of my cover model on both PA and PH, Nathan Kamp. Check these yummies out:

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